I looked into the sweep speed of the X-Terra's when I first bought mine Phil. You are right in that they are very forgiving as to the sweep speed that you use. The2 reasons are 1)The X-Terra's run a 2 filter system. I'm not quite sure as to what these filters are, how ever what I can tell you though, is that detectors come in 2, 4 and 6 filter configurations. With a 2 filter system, they are more forgiving with sweep speed and can be swung faster, where as if you had a 6 filter system , you need to swing your detector at a more precise speed or you will not pick up targets. The 6 filter system will give you more accurate information than a 2 filter system.
2) The X-Terra's have a fairly quick recovery speed. This means that the distance between targets can be a lot shorter, which will allow it to ping targets at a faster speed.
A couple of things that you may want take on board though when using a faster sweep speed. If you swing too fast, then only the area directly beneath the receive coil (inner coil) will pick up targets. Also, if there is trash in the ground, then if you swing too fast, then a bit of trash (or good target) can more easily mask another target which may be close by, due to the fact that the detector hasn't had time to reset itself (I think that this is where the filter system kicks in). Play around with your detector at home with a combinations of different targets on the ground at different distances apart. You might want to play around with how many targets you want to notch out as well, as this also effects the recovery speed of the detector. You will learn a lot about how your detector behaves in a very short space of time.
Have fun.
Mick Evans.