Leslie(nova scotia)
Well-known member
From the land of the Bluenose.....feeling in the Christmas mood I called into work and took the day off. Marie was off at three so I thought I might get a dig in before her shopping gene kicked into overdrive. Double bagging myself in clothing I headed out the door and was greeted by this site in the Little Sackville River that runs behind my place.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802758c624e400000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center> Seems that the cold didn't bother this duckie.
Turned on the tunes that I had recorded and thought that "Driving Home for Christmas" was appropriate which was followed by "Linger" as I gave a Fedex driver the finger as he almost took Goquickski's front end off cutting in front of me. Eventually I got a breast of him and gave him a winning smile.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802758dba5c900000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
If I had had more courage I would have reported the fellow for dangerous driving.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802759b7e53d00000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Bit on the dark side traveling to the schoolyard that I thought I would dig but had the beacon to follow to my destination.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802759c9e54300000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Arrived safe and sound and dug out the digging gear which had a new addition as I now was the proud owner of kneeling knee pads which I had bartered for with a floorer who was installing a Brazilian wood flooring in the Canada Customs rotundra. Man it is amazing what a cup of Tim Horton's coffee will get you at the right time!<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802759cde54700000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Anyway I began my quest for a 50 coin day and after the first few holes wished that I had included a jackhammer in the trade as well. Mind you in the tall grass the ground was softer. Don't like to bang on my own drum but I was starting to get stiff and cold after only a dozen holes but toughed it out in true Bluenoser fashion.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802758d9a5cb00000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Of course a fellow out walking his dog approached me and asked what I was doing. Just hope that the doggy dew I came across that was frozen was from this dog and that he would get bound up and let loose on this guys carpet at home. Man the questions.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802758d5a5c700000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Finally he got the hint and meandered where ever!
Two hours later I had my 50 coins albeit not enough for even a Tim's... a mere 54 coins at $1.15 and a dewy. At least I got out. The field was good to this bouy as I have taken over 500 coins from it.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802758c7a5d500000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce80208407449e00000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
But as this lady said," This is not kansas Toto!"<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802758d824fa00000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Well my ship had come in so it was time to head to port.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802758dfa5cd00000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Ran into some traffic at the Armdale Rotary and thought I was just going around and around spinning my wheels!<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802758dc24fe00000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Arrived home to find Marie having tea with her sister Linda.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802759c8647200000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center> which was ok by this bouy but Marie was owly and took a bite out of me for getting home so late!<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802759ca647000000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Of course Marie thought I was out of my mind going out in the cold in the first place and said that I reminded her of a song from the "Wizard of Oz"
I could waste away the hours
Talking with the Flowers
If I only had a brain<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce80208174854700000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Turned on the tunes that I had recorded and thought that "Driving Home for Christmas" was appropriate which was followed by "Linger" as I gave a Fedex driver the finger as he almost took Goquickski's front end off cutting in front of me. Eventually I got a breast of him and gave him a winning smile.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802758dba5c900000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
If I had had more courage I would have reported the fellow for dangerous driving.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802759b7e53d00000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Bit on the dark side traveling to the schoolyard that I thought I would dig but had the beacon to follow to my destination.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802759c9e54300000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Arrived safe and sound and dug out the digging gear which had a new addition as I now was the proud owner of kneeling knee pads which I had bartered for with a floorer who was installing a Brazilian wood flooring in the Canada Customs rotundra. Man it is amazing what a cup of Tim Horton's coffee will get you at the right time!<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802759cde54700000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Anyway I began my quest for a 50 coin day and after the first few holes wished that I had included a jackhammer in the trade as well. Mind you in the tall grass the ground was softer. Don't like to bang on my own drum but I was starting to get stiff and cold after only a dozen holes but toughed it out in true Bluenoser fashion.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802758d9a5cb00000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Of course a fellow out walking his dog approached me and asked what I was doing. Just hope that the doggy dew I came across that was frozen was from this dog and that he would get bound up and let loose on this guys carpet at home. Man the questions.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802758d5a5c700000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Finally he got the hint and meandered where ever!
Two hours later I had my 50 coins albeit not enough for even a Tim's... a mere 54 coins at $1.15 and a dewy. At least I got out. The field was good to this bouy as I have taken over 500 coins from it.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802758c7a5d500000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce80208407449e00000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
But as this lady said," This is not kansas Toto!"<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802758d824fa00000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Well my ship had come in so it was time to head to port.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802758dfa5cd00000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Ran into some traffic at the Armdale Rotary and thought I was just going around and around spinning my wheels!<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802758dc24fe00000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Arrived home to find Marie having tea with her sister Linda.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802759c8647200000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center> which was ok by this bouy but Marie was owly and took a bite out of me for getting home so late!<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce802759ca647000000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Of course Marie thought I was out of my mind going out in the cold in the first place and said that I reminded her of a song from the "Wizard of Oz"
I could waste away the hours
Talking with the Flowers
If I only had a brain<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b6cc03b3127cce80208174854700000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>