Went back to an old house built in 1865. I was led to believe it was a virgin
site but I don't think so. I spent hours there only to find a few wheat cents, a ton of junk, and
a 1957 silver quarter. Someone else must have already been there.At least that lifted my spirits a little.
I used the 6x10DD because the 9.5 was getting to many hot rock readings.
I did get some ocasional deep 12 inch readings but the readins were irratic jumping around
all over the place so I assumed they were probably junk. SInce I was useing the 6x10DD my guess is that
the deep 12 inch signals were probably larger items, probably large chunks of metal or tin cans.
Question to you, the experts: Should I go back with the whites 12 inch coil? I wonder just how deep the old stuff is.Or
would that be a waste of time.
Any thoughts?
site but I don't think so. I spent hours there only to find a few wheat cents, a ton of junk, and
a 1957 silver quarter. Someone else must have already been there.At least that lifted my spirits a little.
I used the 6x10DD because the 9.5 was getting to many hot rock readings.
I did get some ocasional deep 12 inch readings but the readins were irratic jumping around
all over the place so I assumed they were probably junk. SInce I was useing the 6x10DD my guess is that
the deep 12 inch signals were probably larger items, probably large chunks of metal or tin cans.
Question to you, the experts: Should I go back with the whites 12 inch coil? I wonder just how deep the old stuff is.Or
would that be a waste of time.
Any thoughts?