Took a walk in the woods......there's about a foot of soft snow everywhere. I tried to swing the small 5 x 8 coil in and above the snow, and even searched under some huge pine trees. Nothing. OK plan "B." I just happened to have a pocket full of sunflower seeds, so I reached into my pocket with bare hands, spilling many onto the snow as I pulled out a hand full, and like WOW! All my feathered friends showed up. Here's one waiting for some more treats on my relic shovel.
This little buddy wasn't quite sure whether to engage in his fight/flight routine, so he hovered like a dragon fly over my hand, and a photo of him turned him into a ghost.
That's a little more like it!'s only a metal detecor. And please don't bite the hand that feeds you.
Here's my feathered friend checking out the AT GOLD. I just happened to catch the orange sunset light bouncing off the detector.
And what's that old saying...."a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush?" Nah! don't believe it, it ain't true.
Hope you enjoyed a walk in the woods today.