New member
Today i went detecting alone since Luke was working. I went to a site i spotted last nite using Google earth ! Once i got there, the owner wasn't sold to the idea of letting me detecting there. She had the mouth form into a no, but i played violin, danced a few steps and she finally has let me in.
But she told me... you wont have it easy, the lake is empty , and I never saw anyone detecting here... I was drooling while walking to the site.
Well it probably has been hunted in the past, but probably never as precicely as I gridded that place ! Worked all day and had very pleasing results !!!!!!
Here are my finds for today :
But she told me... you wont have it easy, the lake is empty , and I never saw anyone detecting here... I was drooling while walking to the site.
Well it probably has been hunted in the past, but probably never as precicely as I gridded that place ! Worked all day and had very pleasing results !!!!!!
Here are my finds for today :