I was trying a new spot today and just happened that GemQ rang just as I pulled my second silver out in about 15 mins. It didn't take much arm twisting and he was there in his Executive attire (between meetings), now I looked and thought hmmmmm we just can,t have him all muddy for his next meeting so he grabbed the wand and I did the digging. It must have been a bit of a strange site when I think about it now.
It wasn't too long and we had a silver out of the ground a ram shilling followed by some brownies, roo penny, couple goldies and just as the rain started and he had to go we scored a 1943 threepence. A quick drive to drop him at his meeting and I headed back to see what else I could find, a heap of half pennies and 5 more silvers gave me my 800th silver with a threepence.
Thanks guy it was great to catch up and look forward to a few more hunts together.
Sorry about the pics.
It wasn't too long and we had a silver out of the ground a ram shilling followed by some brownies, roo penny, couple goldies and just as the rain started and he had to go we scored a 1943 threepence. A quick drive to drop him at his meeting and I headed back to see what else I could find, a heap of half pennies and 5 more silvers gave me my 800th silver with a threepence.
Thanks guy it was great to catch up and look forward to a few more hunts together.
Sorry about the pics.