I run my 8x6 on the V3i almost religiously, and found that it performs so relatively close to the 10"D2 in depth. Separation is it's strongest point IMO. Rob is corrrect though in saying the 8x6 SEF likely varies from coil to coil. Mine, when brand new(3mos ago), would take RX15, and even with boost turned on. I have noticed lately that it has diminished some over time. Mine still takes RX15 most of the time but not always, so I now run it around 12-13 W/O boost. It is still good with boost turned on with RX set at or below 9 except for a skew in VDi readings.
Two issues I found with it is that it VDIs quarters and half dollars higher, 88 on quarters and 90-91 on halves, when the machine is setup even marginally hot. I can detune on gain to 10 or less without boost and proper VDi readings recovered, 83 quarter and 87 halves. With boost on, I have to drop RX to 4 for the same results. The good news is that performance in both modes are still impressive, and higher VDi readings really doesn't upset me a lot since I know what to expect.
The other issue is that the 8x6 has had issues when I chose to run the machine in single frequency of 22.5kHz. I suspect that all ussues are related to it not being purely V-Rated now after 3 months, but that coil is my go-to coil still today.
I don't know whether Kellyco will respond to my e-mail today, but I sent one stating these facts I think I have found, and whether they warrant the V-Rating label they began giving the 8x6. I had to ask.
All in all, I have found far more silvers since getting this coil than I ever have before. It's depth has been reading good on my 7-9" buried coins when ground moisture is present. It is a darn good coil. martin