You stated: "i set the tracking on but i kept getting weird #'s when i was over an object". If you do not disable tracking when "hovering" over a target, the X-Terra may actually be balancing out the target, thinking it is part of the ground matrix. (as referenced on Page 42, Tracking, second paragraph).
Congrats on the nice finds. The "bouncing" TID that you referred to can be expected at times. Coins that are perfectly flat, without adjacent targets and in moderately mineralized ground will produce fairly stable TID readings. But as many have posted before, there are too many variables to always say always. I hunt in all metal, multiple tones and go by my three rules of consistency. Consistent location, consistent sound and consistent TID. By consistent, I mean repeating. On the X-70 and 705, if the location is consistent when sweeping over the target from multiple directions, and if the sound is consistent in that there are no other targets under the coil at the same moment as the one you are after, and if the TID bounces two notch segments or less, I dig! Again, there are many variables, as mentioned in a number of previous posts. But for the most part, I stand by the consistency theory. There has been some mention that the 305 and 505 provide more stable TID numbers. This can be expected in that there are twice as many notch segments in the 705 as the 305. And 50% more in the 705 as the 505. In other words, when a target bounces one notch segment on the 305 or 505, it is equivalent to two notch segments on the 705. It appears on the surface that the 305 and 505 are more stable and "bounce less". It is true they might bounce less on certain targets. But the reason is the number of notches available. Not the stability of the detectors. I made a TID chart when the X-Terra first came out. You can find a copy of it in our FAQFAQ section, along with some other articles that might help your coinhunting efforts. In a nutshell, I would recommend that the first thing you do at any site is set the Noise Cancel channel. If you are going to run in a tracking mode, make sure you disable tracking when Xing over the target. JMHO HH Randy