My last detector had a manual ground balance, I had to pump the coil up and down like the Xterra while I manually adjusted it. As I adjusted the knob up or down the tone would change, I kept adjusting until the tone was even as I pumped it. Based on my Xterra manual, it sounds like this is the same idea. I do however notice the Xterra doing a woo... woo...woo as I pump the coil up and down, then the AU finishes, I never hear it equalize. As I sit here and think about this, I'm wondering if I am going into ground balance while my coil is on the ground instead of enabling it while it's elevated the 4". If that is correct, will that whack out my ground balance? Should the tone become more equal as I pump it up and down or is the up and down woo...woo normal? BTW, I am trying to find a spot without targets when I balance and I do it in AM. I don't know if it's just the PA ground, but that is really hard to find a spot with no signal.
On my other machine, if the ground balance was not accurate, the ID would be offset. Does the Xterra 705 do the same?
On my other machine, if the ground balance was not accurate, the ID would be offset. Does the Xterra 705 do the same?