I got a new Golden with the old tones about a week ago. I've been practicing on some sports fields and finally went into an old lawn today. About 80% of the lawn was fine with the stock coil. The remaining 20% was a bit much for the 4" hockey puck that I have, which means that I ended leaving what is likely the most productive portion of the lawn un-done.
This made me realize that I really need a moderate trash coil, so I was looking for this exact topic and I am slightly stunned at my good fortune. It looks like I will be in the market for a 7" concentric later in the year, so thanks for all the info, guys! I liked the old maroon 7" Royal back when I was swinging an IDX Pro, so hopefully the experience will be much the same.
BTW, I bought the Golden specifically to couple with a cleansweep. I have been very surprised by how communicative the Golden is and find myself having a lot of fun with it - I appreciate detectors that can relay reliable information without overloading my ears. I've only got 10 hours in and I like this detector much more than I ever cared for the Eldorado (which was a fine detector) - the audio is considerably more informative and, more importantly to me, much more interesting to listen to. Anyhow, I am trying to say that it is too good of a machine not to invest in and coils are the solution to most of my metal detecting problems.
Speaking of coils... Is the 5-pin 12x10 widescan (which I guess accompanies the Outlaw) going to later be available for individual purchase? I do not know that I will get it, but it is the only other coil metric that I have any interest in....