It was pretty windy here in the Twin Cities Sunday and Monday also. We had an old tree up-rooted a block down from us.
I use headphones when I search. Not the over the ear, but the lightweight on the ear type.
One of my neighbors moved out last week so Sunday I jumped the fence and did a search of their back yard. I found a1950's era Hubley HAWK cap gun that was about 6" in the dirt, It wasn't in the best shape. But for me stuff like that is a cool find.
Found an old fish shaped whistle with a bunch of marbles around it. Didn't know it was a whistle yet. Later I put the whistle in my rock tumbler with a couple teaspoons of white sand to clean it up a little. After a couple of hours, I removed the whistle, and I could see most of the fish design painted on it and using a toothpick, I cleaned the dirt in the mouth piece and the thing actually worked!
I have no idea how old the whistle is. I am 56 years old, and I have never saw a whistle like this.
Found a penny from 1961.
The last thing I found was what looked to me as the frame from an old "wheel-O." It was kinda bent up, and the wheel was gone, but I had one when I was younger. This toy for those who don't know what it was, was a wire frame that kinda looked like a big tuning fork, only the wire was about the size of a wire coat hanger. A plastic wheel had magnets in the outside center of the wheel (axle points) shaped like a cone to sit on the wires. the toy worked by lifting up and down and watch the wheel spin down then start up the other side as you would lift the toy up and down to keep the wheel moving. The fun lasted about 30 seconds. Boring!!!
this toy came out sometime in the early to mid 1960's.
I love finding stuff like this.
Anyway. Just thought I'd share.