which is what your 5" Hot Head coil is. Just a label change.
I note in your post:
<STRONG>"I recently purchased a 5 inch hot heat coil. I used it a couple of times but being the stubborn person I am went back to the stock coil because I wanted to cover more area."</STRONG>... So, at some point you were interested in <EM>coverage</EM>, which is understandable. Justy remember, that even though the 5" coil is round in shape, it is still a Douible-D internal configuration.
<STRONG>"I decided to put my stubborness asside after reading the great things that a smaller coil can do as far as trash seperation. I have hunted that last two days at an old local park by a lake with a small beach. This place has been pounded through the years. I fould 11 wheats 2 toe rings 1 v nickel (first one) lots of jeffersons and some clad using the small coil. I am sold."</STRONG>.... You were wise to give it another chance to prove what it can do. Each coil can have it's strengths, to be sure. The 5" DD should be a standard coil in everyione's arsenal!
<STRONG>"The question about the 6x10 will I get close to the same seperation as the 5" coil?"</STRONG>.... Now, you didn't mention dealing with trash and such to want <EM>"separation"</EM> at the local park and beach. My reply here is .. NO, the 6x10 will NOT get the same separation as the 5" DD coil. I will qualify that a little by saying that <EM><STRONG><BIG>IF</STRONG></EM></BIG> you have two targets laying close to each other, and <BIG><STRONG><EM>IF</BIG></EM></STRONG> you approach these two targets and cross them with the same sweep angle with the 5" & 6x10" Double-D coils, you <STRONG><EM>MIGHT</STRONG></EM> have SIMILAR separation .... BUT ...<STRONG><EM><BIG>IF</STRONG></EM></BIG> you have other close by targets to the front or rear of those two 'test' targets, then the 5" DD coil will have superior separation because the 6x10" will have far more field to the front and rear of center and thus can be more prone to masking. Masking = No Spearation.
So, the 6x10 can do a better job than a similar-sized diameter coil that is concentric wound, but will not match the true separation of a smaller coil. Not the 5" EXcelerator/Hot Head DD or White's own 3x6 DD.
<STRONG>"Is it a big improvement over stock?"</STRONG>.... YES, in terms of separation and coverage. The greatest length diameter is close to the same, but the 6x10 has a little more <EM>coverage</EM> and better <EM>separation</EM> of the two similar-sized coils. However, the stock 950 has a little better depth than the 6x10.
<STRONG>".. or would my money be better spent somewhere else like a sunray probe?"</STRONG>.... You have the stock 950 for "general application" coverage, and the best small coil for hunting trashier sites, in my biased opinion. <img src="/metal/html/biggrin.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="
So, since you have the better coil for separation, then the only thing I think you might want to have is a better coil for <EM>coverage</EM> when hunting more open sites (large parks or beaches) where there isn't a lot of masking trash. A larger coil where you will want coverage to cover the site better, and/or are just going after ALL targets in hopes of popping a decent low-conductive gold jewelry item or two.
For coverage I would suggest you look at one of three coils. White's new DD-1400, or one of the EXcelerator coils. I have and use the 12½" and 14". All three of these coils are of DD design and provide efficient coverage. If you hunt a lot of beaches, especially in the wet sand or shallow surf, then the EXcelerator coils have the 'edge' partially due to their open design. The solid-bottom coils, like the DD-1400 will have a greater tendancy to be bouyant, and also to 'suck-to-the-sand.' I never have a problem with the 12½" or 14" EXcelerator coils with 'floating' or 'sucking.'
Then, too, if you do not really have a <EM>need</EM> for a larger-than-stock coil, adding the DX-1 probe could be a worthwihile way to invest your $$$.
Happy Hunting. Enjoy your MXT and I know you will enjoy using the 5" DD. It might well become your preferred, most-used coil as mine has on my MXT.