Charles (Upstate NY)
Well-known member
I sampled 69 targets and mapped them in Excel for a field reference guide, enjoy!
Setup Notes - EQ800, Park 1, Sensitivity 22, Recover Speed 3, 50 Tones. All other settings were factory default for Park 1. These TID's are the solid repeatable TID's for each target sampled at about 8 inches. At greater depths you will see TID's change or jump depending on your settings and which mode you are in. I found Park 2 and Field 2 gave reliable TID to much greater depths, and at extreme depths when the TID did start to change they didn't jump between TID's the TID just gradually lowered. So a Barber dime at 11 inches that was a consistent 25, dropped to 24 at 12 inches, 23 at 13 inches and so on. At the limits where Park 2 wouldn't even give a TID the tone was still spot on. Less good news for Park 1 and Field 1 the TID was much less consistent vs Park 2 and Field 2. In Park 1 and Field 1 TID's really started bouncing around sometimes 3-5 points at depths where TID was still rock solid consistent in Park 2 and Field 2. Recovery speed set to 3 remember. At the higher factory default recovery speeds TID's were much less reliable and at shallower depths.
Setup Notes - EQ800, Park 1, Sensitivity 22, Recover Speed 3, 50 Tones. All other settings were factory default for Park 1. These TID's are the solid repeatable TID's for each target sampled at about 8 inches. At greater depths you will see TID's change or jump depending on your settings and which mode you are in. I found Park 2 and Field 2 gave reliable TID to much greater depths, and at extreme depths when the TID did start to change they didn't jump between TID's the TID just gradually lowered. So a Barber dime at 11 inches that was a consistent 25, dropped to 24 at 12 inches, 23 at 13 inches and so on. At the limits where Park 2 wouldn't even give a TID the tone was still spot on. Less good news for Park 1 and Field 1 the TID was much less consistent vs Park 2 and Field 2. In Park 1 and Field 1 TID's really started bouncing around sometimes 3-5 points at depths where TID was still rock solid consistent in Park 2 and Field 2. Recovery speed set to 3 remember. At the higher factory default recovery speeds TID's were much less reliable and at shallower depths.