Still impressed with 6"ex. When I first received it ran it through the back yard quick. I was not impressed. But that wasn't a fair way to test it so I did for 2 weeks or a week but I posted the finds and I believe they are also on kellyco web site. Boy, was I impressed! It will find so much stuff and always something different or old. Last week I posted a sliver dime out of a pounded site. I started setting sens at 7 and discrimination at six. I have to watch meter for nickels. It stills hit coins at 6 to 7 inches. I have been over my yard a million billion trillion zillion times. So I gave the new setting a try - moderate junk in back yard gnd mxt 65 to 79. Moving along I finally picked up a signal and sniff it out 6 inches down dig a 1936 wheat penny. I was amazed! I don't know if I have extra winding in coil or a hot one but went out front and pulled a few coins from drive way. Not that old but from 60s and 70s. But I am posting (I believe) a 1936 penny. Not important to anyone but me but what a coil. Tried to post best pic but it is a 193- believe 36. Thanks for looking. Good luck and good hunting.
This is the best picture I could get. It is very hard to see, but my daughter says it says 1930. My eyes are not what they used to be.
This is the best picture I could get. It is very hard to see, but my daughter says it says 1930. My eyes are not what they used to be.