I got a chance to try out the new 6" DD coil today. I took it to a new cellar hole and there was the usual amount of iron scattered about. This coil impresed me, I was able to run Sens. at 26 around the hole and 28 on the outer fringes. With the small footprint, I could almost hear the coil field flowing over the targets, so separation was excellent. It was real trashy, so I ran Pattern #1 and switched back to All Metal once I was out of the iron field. Needless to say, pinpointing was dead-on and most of the time, I didn't even have to push the pinpoint button, I just isolated the target with the usual "X" and dug an 8" hole. The coil ran very stable with little or no falsing and I wasn't bothered by Hot Rocks. I brought it to another cellar hole, one that I have hunted for the last 5 years only because I can drive up to it. This is sort of my testing ground and I have had all my machines there over the years. Some spots were too noisy to hunt with previous machines, but this little coil worked in and around that bad iron. Once again, I ran Pattern #1 with Sense. at 26 - 28. I plucked out 2 buttons and some kind of suspender part that I missed over the years.
So I would have to say that I was very pleased with this coil's performance, at least in the two spots that I took it today, tough spots for sure. I think it would do great in yards and trashy parks too. Minelab has done it's homework here and I want to thank them and people like Randy who tested this coil and put it through it's paces. It's like having a totally different machine running with the 18kHz frequency and that's what Minelab set out to do with the X-Terra series. Bravo! Ron
So I would have to say that I was very pleased with this coil's performance, at least in the two spots that I took it today, tough spots for sure. I think it would do great in yards and trashy parks too. Minelab has done it's homework here and I want to thank them and people like Randy who tested this coil and put it through it's paces. It's like having a totally different machine running with the 18kHz frequency and that's what Minelab set out to do with the X-Terra series. Bravo! Ron