And I cant play with it I ordered the coil Friday after work from Big Boys Hobby's but Sunday I messed my back up and had to take this week off of work and there is no way I can get out detecting. so I decided to post some pics. I found the big bullet a few weeks ago using the 9 x 12 concentric coil. the horse shoe was found along with the button and the 2 smaller bullets and the lead spill with the 6.5 x 9 concentric coil. These were all found at an old homestead I found on a 1875 map. (not the ring, the ring I found at the ball parks where I did my 10 hour hunt last year. My first ring and first silver this year). At the 1875 homestead I also found a well used hammer head. I soaked it in "Sizzle" I believe its a type of acid cleaner and was used in cleaning industrial heating and cooling systems. When I was a custodian there was a couple bottles of this stuff in the gear locker and was going to be thrown out but there was a question of how to dispose of it so I took it home. Some one told me it was taken off the market because it dissolved flesh,bones,teeth and every thing else. I dropped a dead mouse into a small container of this stuff and sure enough after 2 days the only thing left was mouse fur. I cleaned alot of brass and rusted things with it and had just enough to submerge that hammer head. 4 days later absolutely all the rust was gone and you could see where the metal had been worked as it was being made. it was one of the coolest things I had ever seen. I had taken it to work to show a couple guys and I think I left it in my truck when I traded my truck in for my car a few weeks later It may still be around here some where but I don't think so. I didn't even get a picture of it. Ticks me off every time I think about it. I found it with the 6.5 x 9 coil. every thing I found at this site has only been 3 or 4 inches deep except for the horse shoe. The horse shoe hit hard up high and at first I thought I had something good but then I realized it was banging to hard so I new it was probably a buried aluminum can or Iron. realizing it was not likely an aluminum can at this site I perked up a bit thinking maybe I found something made of Iron but maybe a nice relic. of course it was showing as a really shallow target and I ended up digging a hole about 2 inches deeper than my green handled digger is long ( I believe I got the digger with the Atpro or the Ace350) it was tangled up in roots and a real pain to get out but after ten minutes of fighting and cussing I got it out. I guess an old horse shoe ain't bad but I was sure hoping for the remnants of an old gun or some such. The button I also found with the 6.5 x 9. it has the word "best" on it. I guess this is what you call a flat button but it ain't really flat so I don't know for sure. maybe an Item for the whatzit forum. I have a love/hate relation ship with this site. I love to hunt an area that might turn up something really neat but I hate to fight through the under growth Last time I was there (when I found the big bullet) I spent 3 hours there and only came out with the bullet. I am sure if any one was with in two hundred yards they could hear me cussin' . Is this bullet what they call a 3 ringer? Man I am bored out of my mind. I might have to go over to the 20th century tales forum and spin a yarn. Thanks for lookin' all, and best of luck out there!!!