Disc all metal mode is simply the disc mode with the dial turned all the way down. It is the most sensitive setting in disc mode as there is no discrimination and the 3 tones work to help classify the metal under the coil. Some people may not know that when you progressively discriminate more trash, your detector becomes less sensitive and can actually miss targets that are close to the trash that has been discriminated out. Anyway, to your problem... make sure that your coil is tight on the rod, make sure the rod is tightly secure in the other rod, (you may have to use electrical tape or duct tape to keep it still), and make sure that your coil wire is tightly wound around the rod without much slack. All of these things individually can make the symptom your are describing. If after doing these things the problem continues, something is wrong that I can't help you with. Contact First Texas as they have an excellent customer service dept. You should be able to use the detector with the sens setting at full unless you are experiencing EMI feedback. I prefer to swing a little slower and make sure to over lap your coil path by half each time because in disc mode, the smaller coil is the one that receives the signal, so if you are swinging back and forth 8 inches at a time, you are missing targets that you would pick up in all metal mode. Hope this helps.