Leslie(nova scotia)
Well-known member
From the land of the Bluenose.....well me bouy it was one of those days with it raining hake, herring and halibut and the sky was dark like my soul after a neighbour's rugrat ran his bicycle into Otto scratching his rear end! Mister man I was fit to be keel hauled and when I approached the parent about it she was not sympathetic at all but got this quote from the old battle axe, " Well I'm on welfare what do you want me to do pay a thousand dollars? My 6 year old just got the bike and is learning to ride it", she stated as she was overflowing on the couch while her "kid" was riding his bike unsupervised on a main road and I figure it's only a matter of time before the poor lad is "road kill." Called the RCMP just to have a talk with her as one cannot get blood from a stone. Will take Otto for some plastic surgery in the next fortnight.
Anyway Tony the Tiger and I sloshed through a playing field and did the dew and getting royally soaked in the process.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b7d924b3127cce870d556ff12700000026108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center> Picture doesn't do the rain justice.....lot of that going around! Was fun though me son as I put up my dorsel fin and waddled onward. Both Tony and I hit coins at a good pace with the only out of the norm find being a ring that I think is white metal. Must say that Tony T is a real keener and every day is swinging with a lot more confidence!
Tony ended up with about 30 coins whereas I netted a ring and 77 coins @$6.52<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b7d924b3127cce870d5555f11d00000026108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
So upset tonight about Otto's wounds that I cannot face Bud so I'm spending the evening with royality and aqua!<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b7d924b3127cce870e535310fc00000026108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
Anyway Tony the Tiger and I sloshed through a playing field and did the dew and getting royally soaked in the process.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b7d924b3127cce870d556ff12700000026108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center> Picture doesn't do the rain justice.....lot of that going around! Was fun though me son as I put up my dorsel fin and waddled onward. Both Tony and I hit coins at a good pace with the only out of the norm find being a ring that I think is white metal. Must say that Tony T is a real keener and every day is swinging with a lot more confidence!
Tony ended up with about 30 coins whereas I netted a ring and 77 coins @$6.52<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b7d924b3127cce870d5555f11d00000026108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>
So upset tonight about Otto's wounds that I cannot face Bud so I'm spending the evening with royality and aqua!<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b7d924b3127cce870e535310fc00000026108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>