Well-known member
went right back to that park now that I opened up my E-trac a bit... I ran goes4evers settings, stock coil today , I modified the Andy S. coin program and opened it a bit... and had my sensitivity on 30 today... I went real slow ...if you don't there are just too many tones to try and listen to. 4 more wheats, a stubborn IH that was only 3" but stuck between two roots, a thin silver ring, a war nickel and the Dime trifecta! I got the Barber while swinging back to the truck... I'm really glad I have started listening to what you guys are telling me... I have been over this area several times with the trashy park program in auto +3.. I missed sooo much! not any more! can't wait to get back there and switch to the 6x8 SEF... I wanted to run the stock coil while trying a few different things.