I bought a used 5.3 coil a while back but I'm wondering if it is working properly or if it's defective. It seems to have trouble locking on to coin targets unless they are pretty shallow. When I re-swipe a signal, the VDI keeps going up and up the more I swipe over the target. Even when the target turns out to be a coin. It also seems to jump around on a lot of targets. Also I sometimes hit a target, say $.25 at 3 inches and after I dig down 3" the signal fades and sometimes temporarily dissappears only to come back as a faint signal at say 6 or 7 inches which turns out to be correct. I run my sensitivity at max or just below most of the time with this coil and also keep the discrimination at 2-1/2 or lower always. Is it just being more discriminating than my 6x10 which seems to be more stable and solid on good targets ? Am I making it run a little unstable with my settings ? Is this just normal and does anyone else have similar experiences with their MXT's and the 5.3 ? I'm pretty new and my technical knowledge of metal detectors is very limited so any info or advice would be greatly appreciated. I want to avoid having to send it in to be checked as that is not an option right now but I want to be confident my equipment is working properly. As you know, confidence is everything in this craft. Thanks.