Gunnar of bradford MN
New member
I have heard for some time now , that a giant oak exists out in the forest, non its eqal, a frend of mine and i went looking for it on owr 4 weelers after some time winding thru thick woods and trees thear it was it was easy to spot it was the bigest tree in the woods the trunk a full 5 feet acrose well known by hunters it is called the tukey tree because its the only tree whith 12" branches going at 90 digree angels out and the tukeys love to rost in it and when the earea was logged 100 years ago it was a landmark no doubt why they left this one tree i do not know but i imagine it was a camp spot and who knows what was lost i imagin the tukeys siting up in the branches pooping out what they have eaten tukeys like to eat shiney things like rings or coins how many are now under its branches ? was it a favorite camping spot ? was it a meeting place for moonshiners , and did they hide thear lot near by? i will not know for shure until the snow melts and the hard frozen ground turns soft again , just befor the mosquitoes come out to suck blood but i will have pictures of the tree for you all and the finds stay posted --- Gunnar