The area I live in is very rough, mineralized, and rocky. The Salmon River is known for Gold and I have even panned and sluiced for it. The problem is, it is very fine flour Gold and you will work hard for so little of it.
Though I have heard stories of a couple guys here who have found small Pickers and another who claims an 8 Oz Nugget, I would at best believe the small Picker stories down on or just along the river. One fellow I know found a small Picker but only after his Gold Bug missed it and he used a home made vacume Back pack that sucked it up while not knowing it till he got home to pan out the dirt.
Though I have used my Garrett to locate Black Sand pockets or concentrations, I have found no Pickers or Nuggets. I have also tried my Pioneer 505 in the same locations for Gold only to have the same results. It would take a very good concentration of Fine Gold to make my Garrett noticably respond so I suspect the same for the 505. Of the very small amount I have and each in their own vial, when all held together in air and in just the right position, both detectors at contact will just barely sound on them. If I were in the field, I have no doubt this small amount would easily be missed by my machines.
I have read though that a .22 lead bullet makes for a good practice piece as gold about the same size would give close to the same responce. One way to show yourself how difficult it is to detect fine gold is to take a penny and a dime and file both down into fines (the penny amount equaling the whole dime amount as I recall, which particles are still larger than Flour Gold) and then try to detect them. You will be amazed at what you learn and it will put things in perspective. If you don't have a sample of Black Sand to also play with, do up the same amount of fines with a nail. To try and replicate detecting Black Sand pockets, in an old Garrett Book, Charles recommend a gallon of Black Sand to play with but I have made my Garrett work with much less but have not tried the 505 yet to see if it will correctly detect it. Just playing around with lead, I have detected with both machines a piece as small as a grain of rice in air and buried in my not very precise test plot. Do I think I could find Gold the size of a grain of rice outside of my test plot? In my area, I think it would be extremely difficult but not impossible. There are guys here with Mine Labs, Gold Bugs, and White's and no one is making a killing. Our flour Gold here is very yellow and pure so I suspect that adds to the difficulty in detecting any in concentration or if should it be a Picker or smaller. With both detectors, I used my small and standard coils. As for the frequency of the BH 4" coil, as best I have come up with is 6.8 kHz but if anyone knows for sure, I would appreciate knowing as well.