New member
Temperature hit 45 degrees again here in Central, NY...I had to get out and feed the fever...Hit a School that was built in 1918...Properties around the school are older than that...I have pounded the school yard to death, so I hit the grass strips between the roads and the sidewalk around the school...MAN!!! I could not move a foot without getting a target...I knelt and dug until I was so sore, I could not take it anymore...The Coleman's ( a local Irish Pub) token almost gave me a heart attack...Then my common sense kicked in and I knew it was not a gold coin...lol. Take for the day was 71 coins...9 Q, 18 D, 17 N, 27 P...$5.17
I do not count Foreign Coins or the toasted zincs in my totals. I also found a Master lock, a Heart Shaped Key, and some Doggy Bling (pewter), and a fake Earring...A great days hunting...
Happy Hunting,
I do not count Foreign Coins or the toasted zincs in my totals. I also found a Master lock, a Heart Shaped Key, and some Doggy Bling (pewter), and a fake Earring...A great days hunting...

Happy Hunting,