I put the 4" coil on my DeLeon and took it out today. I really got it to get closer to the metal poles in the tot lots. I could not see any good improvement over the 5.75 coil. It not only didn't get much closer to the poles, but I had to swing the detector 3 times to cover the same ground as the 5.75. That is a lot of swinging for almost no difference in closeness to the poles.The first time out, maybe I should be listening to the sounds differently? Probably should try a slower swing also. I guess it was designed just for trashy areas, because I can see you have a very small field. Could be I didn't understand what it was designed for? Another learning experience and a better understanding about what equipment really does and doesn't do.
From now on when I get a bright idea someone get that rubber mallet out and give me a good, good whack in the head, that way nothing gets hurt.
Will be going out this afternoon and try it again. Jer
From now on when I get a bright idea someone get that rubber mallet out and give me a good, good whack in the head, that way nothing gets hurt.
Will be going out this afternoon and try it again. Jer