Yesterday I bought the 3300 I mentioned in a previous post. It's the third 3300 I've purchased and I got pretty fair deal on it, $100 and the guy only tried for a few minutes in his yard before deciding detecting wasn't his thing. Today I took it on a short hunt, at a relatively new site, even though it was just about too hot and humid to hunt and got about $1.50 in clad and pennies, a 44 wheatie and the other doodads in the photo. Not much, but enough to get reaquainted with it as I had forgotten how much fun the 3300's are to use, even in 90+ temps. The dog tag reminds me of a phrase, "that dog will hunt", the local rednecks use to describe anything that works well. That fits 3300 pretty darn well, because it darn sure will hunt. Only problem is I won't be able to keep it, a nephew we raised has claimed dibbs on it and Monday it will have a new home.
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