Some are going to disagree but I am just relating what I have experienced with my CTX.
I do not feel the CTX to be a good Civil War relic hunting detector. The FBS machines IMO, seem to excel at finding high conductive ROUND things. When something is not round and is oddly shaped, they do not respond that great. When I am talking of relics, I am thinking of things like brass J hooks, knapsack triangles, minie balls, etc. None of those things are round and I have been doing a great deal of signal comparing with some other detectors I have. I first thought it was something I was doing wrong with the machine; some setting combo I was doing wrong. I was using 2 patterns...basically Andy's modified relic program that is in his book, and a pattern called the Tadpole pattern I downloaded. I was using the Combined audio and setting the ferrous line down to 32. I've tried deep on and off...ferrous coin, ground coin, tried just noise cancelling and have also tried ground balancing manually. Of the signals I have located with other machines and then tested the CTX on....I dare say I would have only dug maybe 20% of them. I did a video last week of finding Civil War bullets with one machine and then seeing how the CTX responded to them before I dug...and most all of the time, I wouldn't get a signal at all with the above two disc patterns. In an open screen, all I heard was an iron signal and the iron was buried in the lower right of the screen. I would only get an occasional chirp of a signal...usually a one way swing. These bullets I had on video were 8 to 9 inches deep....about the length of my pinpointer. Yet if those bullets had been silver dimes at that same depth, I feel I would have got a better signal on them. I think it is a combo of the conductivity of the bullets and their out of round shape that makes them unfavorable to the FBS machines. That's just my opinion though. I know that day I videoed, I located 14 bullets. Out of that 14, I would have dug just 2 of them with the CTX by it giving a signal on them. This is with the stock coil and running manual sensitivity between 20 and 25. But I did try maxing it out just to see if I could get a better signal on the bullets but I could not.
As a coin hunter in modern trash and older sites, I wouldn't have any other machine with me. And on the beach it excels there too. But when I'm Civil War relic is not my first choice or even in my top 5 of detectors.