When you find that much so young, how do you keep your interest up? It's a once in a lifetime find and I sure am happy for the young boy and his family. 2.5cm is 1 inch of gold. I could not tell if it was 1 inch thick, but it looked it. I guess his dad and grandad are glad they let him do a little dirt fishing? 1/2 of 2.5 million pounds is a nice chunk of change. The guy who found the Anglo Saxon hoard and the farmer who let him metal detect on his family property did not have to pay any taxes under the Antiquity Laws. That's what is so great about this hobby. You never know when you will go from finding pull tabs to royal treasure!!! Even a 3 year old child can find a fortune, so there's hope for folks like me. I like the fact that the UK is trying to hold on to their culture and past with the Antiquity Laws and finds such as these can be put on public display so everyone can enjoy the beauty of this wonderful find.