Hunted on a saltwater bayou shore for about an hour and got 3 quarters a few dimes a couple lead weights and the alum cans. Its amazing what the salt water effect is on clad dimes and quarters , it almost reduces them down to the copper center . So I went inland about 50 yards and found 1 more quarter and some dimes and copper pennies and my first little race car and a ID plate "tag " for an old victrola . It reads "THE CHENEY TALKING MACHINE COMPANY CHICAGO PATENTED FEB 8th1916" maybe U can c it in the picture.. As far as bottle caps go , I dug about 6 or so to understand the pro audio and its pretty much a bonus for hunting on the beach I think . I had a great time today and the ATpro really got me thinking about the truth on a real 6 inch target .