The eliptical is the go for the best allrounder out of the pack of 3. Wasnt designed for underwater use and if you didnt kill it doing so then you were lucky.
The sens on the eliptical and the 6" round are very similar with the 6 just sounding that bit sharper. The 6 though does seem to have just a touch more depth on those small species, not heaps but it is there. The big 10" round is probably the least sensitive of the bunch, not by much though but you can see it on the smaller stuff. Can give a weird not so great signal with some targets close to the coil, the same target can sound better a few inches further away from it. Not a good choice for surface gold.It does go deeper though on larger targets by about, roughly, 2 inches on say something around 2 to 3 ounces. That will vary though depending on ground type etc. Still waiting for a big one to show up under mine but alas, no joy.