Over the years, I've collected spots to check out..Now that I am finally starting to understand what I am doing,it will be time to see what happens..There are three gold coins that I know where they were lost..The first is either a 2 1/2 or 5 dollar Indian head gold piece in a very trashy area, second is a five, again trash..So thinking about cherry picking. I have a Vaquero, and a Silver UMax.The V is under the weather right now.. With the UMax, I checked "click out points". 1/10 oz gold fell out under 5 cent mark,10 dollar modern gold went out at TAB, and 1/2 oz shut down right about where it read zinc..These are all modern gold vs looking for old gold..Can anyone compare a modern vs old gold coin on a Silver ..In one spot I don't want to spend all day digging in all metal. Disc at the second spot could be lower..The large gold coin was a twenty, that was thrown away by the grandfather of a person I know.One of two, and one was recovered.. This person used a Garrett purchased years ago, and never found the second coin.( I have to check on the status).Area will be weeds, possibly small.maybe even large trees.Really wild territory..The odds on all the coins,( other than the fact they were lost,and verified by either the loser, or family member), are pretty good that they will remain lost..For example, I lived in New Jersey. and know where a good men's diamond ring was flipped out of a car with a can of beer.(as a chaser)..What are the odds of finding it along side a highway 45 years later? Mentioned this to a friend, and he didn't think a worthwhile venture...The only thing I know for sure is that the Vaquero is going to be cranked full tilt.looking for that 20 dollar coin, and if I can't dig with an adze, I'll build a fire over the pin point spots.I think everyone on this board has more experience in deciding how to go after these coins If you wish to share ideas, that would be fantastic...Cordially NAD