I hit 4 different lakes, 5 beaches and some old sites going to the 1920's. The beaches are now much cleaner when I was through with them. Here's the proof.........
The money aspect finds of the trip was pretty good. My expenses were minimal, as I slept in my SUV with the seats folded down. I survived on trail mix, cans of diet Coke, beef jerky and some healthy hot-lime corn chips.
I have always enjoyed finding religious paraphernalia, so it was a a great getting a necklace with a couple of medallions which I haven't got, of which I can proudly add to my collection.
I was driving down some old gravel roads, when I came upon an old community hall. There was a sign showing it was built in 1920. I had to make a few operating frequency adjustments, as there was a power line just above the road causing some interference. It calmed down on one of them, and go figure, directly below the power line a got a signal in the 80's, about 5" down. What a surprise! Out popped a 1898 Barber Quarter. It sure was found far, far away from home. Was it a Souveneer ?, spending money? I will never know, but proud to get such a niece piece of history.......
Here's a couple of silver rings which each came from a different lake. There was lots of oxidation, which took me a while to remove and get the silver below it to a bright luster. Here's a before and after shot.
Here's the prize! It made all the "roughing it" all worth while. A nice 22k gold ring......found of course with a gold hunting machine.......the AT GOLD