I just spent the last 20 min typing this up and somehow deleted the whole this uuuugh. So here it goes again. A contractor is upgrading a very old part of town. New sewer, water, roads, and most important sidewalks!!! They did unfortunately remove a lot of dirt when doing the walks so the finds were minimal there. I did find some items on my bucket list which made me really happy though. Here are the finds I decided to post. Wheat cents are 1919s, 20s, 27s, 35d, 40, 40s, 44d, 51s, 52s. Indian heads are 1900, 1897. 1896, and my oldest coin To date 1878!!!! My oldest Canadian cent to date 1935! Two fricken 1942 nickels. I can't find a war nickel to save my life. A 1912 V nickel in decent shape. My second one ever and was glad to see it's readable! Silver coins were a 1939 merc, and a S mint merc that's been cut in two. Never found the other half. And a 1899s barber dime. Found 3 rings, two being somewhat old and the third is a kids toy ring. Finally found a thimble which was one of my biggest bucket list finds! I was actually the most thrilled to find this mangled piece of metal haha. Got two good luck tokens, one is aluminum and from my town but can't make out all the words and a Lone Ranger good luck token. And a porcelain ethyl gasoline placard. Among the other doodads and whatsits I got a couple of old pocket knives, old mantle clock keys and gears from clocks. Old locks, lead toys like horses and figures, and a ton of neat items.