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I found my first silver quarter with my v3i a couple of weeks back. Hunted last weekend & found nothing with the V3i. Was not happy with V3i, so I followed some online help offered to me & rebooted the V3i back to factory settings. Decided the best way to learn this V3i was to set my own programs up & learn the basics. So created my own coin program last night to experiment with. Started out with the 10"DD coil but no luck. Decided to try out my 6 x 8 coil. I got a good quarter signal. Rotated 90 degrees & signal was still a good solid quarter signal. Depth was showing up around 4". Dug down & found a metal button. Thought that was just my luck. First really nice signal I had & it was a metal button. Popped my pro pointer back in the hole before I covered it up & surprise there was still a signal there. Dug along the edge of my hole & out popped my second silver quarter found with my V3i. Turned out to be my only coin for the day but made it worth while all the same.