Well-known member
Got a chance to hunt in Mckinney today with Martin_V3i, Tripperman79, and Polecat from the Friendly MD Forum. We started out at a park and quickly moved across the street to an old Elementary School. I was running the E-trac in Coin Mode with auto sensitivity +3 and using the 8 inch SunRay DD Coil. I was very happy with the performance of the E-track and I know my coin count was down from having to slow down so much but I think I did okay. I managed to get 4 quarters, 18 clad dimes, 1 1964 D Roosevelt dime, 4 wheat pennys with the oldest one being a 1930, 2 nickels and 50 memorial pennys. I went almost the whole day without finding any nickels and even though Tripp and Martin were finding them, I just couldn't seem to be able to recognize the tone so I could check the display. I finally got one and then the very next signal looked pretty good but it was a partial tab. The very next signal was ... another nickel
I really accomplished two goals in today's hunt and that was to find my 1st silver coin with the Etrac and my other was to find a nickel because I had not found one yet with the E-trac. The silver was an easy one and was oAll in all it was a nice day hunting with friends and with the opportunity to get some hours in on the E-trac.
I really accomplished two goals in today's hunt and that was to find my 1st silver coin with the Etrac and my other was to find a nickel because I had not found one yet with the E-trac. The silver was an easy one and was oAll in all it was a nice day hunting with friends and with the opportunity to get some hours in on the E-trac.