Well-known member
Guys and Gals I think I have officially found my old site detector!! Went to a old site that I have hunted with many other brands of detectors very thoroughly, I thought. 1st target I dug was a 43 mercury dime 6" deep and then a 1925 wheatie 5" deep along with a ton of clad from the 60's. I was using Bill S trashy park pattern along with 6" Excelarator coil that thing is awesome at separating targets the Merc had a rusty nail right beside it. I am guessing that's why I hadn't found it till now. I have been reading Andys book which has been very informative and is a must read to E-Trac users. I am a believer in the Etrac now the first time I hunted with it I was questioning myself on getting it cause I was hunting with the coin and jewelry program and stock coil in a very trashy spot and I didn't even do a noise cancel on it God that was a nightmare hunt I hope I never relive. I will try to post pics in a little bit of the Mercury dime.