today , I got out to the fish lake beach in chisago county MN I can say it was really enjoyable , found another ring but this time it was not silver or gold but copper with enameling , and some cladd, I really like the Sunspot scoop ,its not heavy in the water . the hard thing is swinging the shaft thru the water it will only let you swing so fast, I need a length wise fin over the shaft maybe this would fis it so i just went slow but for some things you need a fast swing speed and this I was not able to do . I can see the advantige of a Infinium . It requiers a slow swing to be at its best and deepest just perfect for water, but the GT still did well lots of big snails 1.5" to 2.5" the water was clear ,and a few good targets came out nice not to have to stoop down to dig , but its swinging that is hard you just have to let it go slow the water dictates this [video][/video]