got lazy at my house today and decided to disc out everything from copper penny down. i know the 250 is a lot smarter than i am so if i got any beep - even one way i would dig. i have been over my dirt many times with cz-5, m6, exterra 30 and some in between. well i swung over an area i always do, and there it was- a one way belltone. so i dug and there it was a pulltab. crap! checked the hole and BAM! two way quarter signal - dug and a 1967 quarter. WOW the 250 told me to dig. it was right next to my lake and after working a 3 foot circle in the same way with everything from lead sinkers to foil i found 5 quarters, 2 dimes, 2 nickels and one penny. Stock coil. Went back with the sniper and looked like i got it all. Pretty good for running a high disc.