I'm the same way.. I don't actually notch out any tabs. I was talking more of the IDing
of targets and whether to dig or not. One notch worth of conductivity would not be
enough for me to make a decision. So to me, having the extra resolution doesn't
really mean a lot at the end of the day.
But as a light and blinky thing, they are kind of nice to have. The numerical ID
is probably most handy for guessing coins, but even then it's hit or miss depending
on how much leaching there is. It's not going to be exactly the same every time.
I almost always run mine wide open. I like to hear everything that is in the ground.
The only exception might be if say I'm on the side of a house, and nails from
re-roofing are a constant problem. You can notch the low end.. But even with those,
if they are rusty, they will hit high too.. So if you notch the high end rust, you risk
notching out the coins too. I'll usually run it wide open, and that way I can hear
both ends, which to me gives more total info. IE: if a target is bouncing both ends,
it's almost always trash, or rusted iron. If I had notched the low end, I might not
notice the bouncing back and forth, and would dig on the high rust hit thinking it was
a coin. One thing I've noticed that doesn't seem to vary much. Actual coins,rings,etc
rarely bounce around on the ID much. They usually ID pretty stable every swing.
Unfortunately, many pull tabs are pretty stable too..