Sven said:
No total goal count for 2018, my daily hunt quota is finding just one $1 coin. The sooner I find one, the better the hunt will be.
I wish we had that opportunity here in the US. Oh, we have some modern $1 coins, but very few people use them. Stores don't seem interested I handling them and giving them out in change, and the most I have recovered in a year this past decade or so has been '22' of them. Usually I end up with about '15' to '18' of our dollar coins per year. I sure wish they'd get rid of the paper dollars and make us use coinage.
As I explained on my AHRPS Traditional Con Hunting Forum, I like to think ahead and plan for the coming year by setting various 'personal' goals. That's what I was wondering about, and a great example could be tied in with where we live and where we hunt, how often we hunt, the types of sites we select, and 'special' incentives such as you just mentioned. You have
a daily coin count goal of finding
at least one $1 coin.
Now you see, you can benefit from that goal whereas most of us here in the USA would very seldom come close to reaching that goal of a Dollar Coin per day since we don't have many in regular use and circulation. But it is
a personal goal or incentive to encourage you to get yourself out detecting more often and try to reach a certain limit each day you're out. That is the same idea or purpose for setting an
Annual Coin Count Goal. It is NOT a public challenge to try and beat someone else, or to offer your
ACCG up as a challenge for others to try and beat you. It is simply a goal for any individual to set that helps encourage the them to get out and achieve and compete with their self. No one else's goal, just one you set that is a personal goal to work towards.
By making it an
Annual Coin Count Goal you get to determine how much time and effort you want to contribute to getting out metal detecting, and it can be an encouragement for some to do more research, maybe travel ma little more on a day afield to find more hunt sites. And from it we can determine several personal
Daily Goals similar to your effort to find One $1 Coin a Day.
2017 isn't over year, unless it is just too cold or getting snowed over where you are and you've called-it-a-year. But even so, just looking at your report on the finds I can see where you can set some other independent 'goals' to work on. You stated: "
About $160 for about 100 hours." Just from that conclusion at this point you can set an Annual Hunt-Time Goal of 100 hours and work toward that goal or beating it.
You can set an Annual Dollar-Value Goal of $160.00 face-value and make every effort to accomplish that
personal goal. You'll have it easier up there with all those Loonies and Toonies to be found !!! I have my own personal goals to work towards each year, and they are just that,
personal goals that help
encourage me to go detecting more often. It was easier when I lived in and around Portland, Oregon or back in Ogden, Utah because they were much larger metropolitan areas and I could travel to more city parks and schools and sports fields where modern coinage can be found in greater numbers.
Then in 2013 I moved to a more remote town of about 585 people, and two years and nine days ago to a bigger-size smaller town of about 1865 people. Public sites that draw a lot of human activity that generate coin loss are minimal. therefore my Annual Coin Finding Opportunities are minimal which calls for me to set a lower
ACCG to work toward. All found coins are included in my tallies, meaning old coins from Relic Hunting counted in the total take along with all of the modern change I find when out Coin Hunting. So I do have a few daily goals when I set out for a day of Coin Hunting.
Mine Sub-Goals are:
Goal #1: Try to find at least 100 Coins-per-Day. That was easy when I lived in or hunted in the greater Portland Oregon metro area.
Goal #2: Try to find new sites, and any sites, that might have the possibility of higher-denomination change so that the 1¢ coin totals are close to matching the combination of all my other coin's tallied-up. That would be a 50% Penny Recovery Goal, and anytime I can beat that by having more 5¢, 10¢, 25¢ and possibly even a 50¢ or $1 coin in the mix of recoveries that all add up to more than the number of 1¢ coins, I have had a very good Coin Hunting Day.
From that, and depending on the populations and areas of public use and detecting opportunities I can plan to work in a year, I set my personal annual goal to work towards. So, with your current showing of $160 dollar value, all you need to do is count out the number of different coin denominations you found and have an Total Coin Tally, plus the benefit of seeing just how the different denominations broke down for the year. From that you could easily set a goal, which is nothing more than a personal challenge you can work on whether out detecting on your own or when hunting with others.
Just a thought for you, or anyone, to consider.
[size=small]PS: I just posted this but am headed out the door for an older location so my Daily Coin Count anticipation is only '10' coins. It's 30° and I'll move better once the sun starts to warm me up. For some strange reason, the Impact also seems to 'work better' when I am more comfortable, too. [/size]