Research finally paid off! My bud LUD with his safari and I with the ol f75 ventured off to what we suspected to be old fairgrounds from the mid 1870's through early 1900's. According to some research we had done over the winter months, this fair registered an attendence of roughly 5000 people a year. We have never had any luck hunting old field sites, but who knows when luck will change? We ventured out around noon on saturday with temps in the mid to upper 30's. Fortunately this field has had some dirt work done, so stalks were around 30 percent coverage. Lud set out on the western side of the 22 acre field while I ventured out to the east. After about an hour of jumping around from place to place I started hitting some different peices-mostly trash. So, at least we know something was once there in this wide open field. Then much to my surprise, a solid 74/75 towards the top of my depth meter. I though to myself-"theres no way there could be clad out here" (most of the time this is a clad dime). I start to dig little by little and there sits a glint of silver. Hoping for a barber or at best a worn seated, I pull it out and gently rub off the dirt. 1882 SEATED DIME!!!! I do the happy dance and start shouting at the top of my lungs across the field at Lud (fortunately nobody was around to see how rediculous I looked!) Anyways, Lud came over and started hitting up the area and not 5 minutes later he found a 1876 in great condition(you can check it out on the safari site) Another hour rolled by without either one of us finding anything and Jon finds a second seated from 1877 in pretty good shape as well. We decided to go east west for a little while before taking off, and about 5 minutes after deciding that, i strike my 1876 seated in alright condition as well. Both of these coins were only 3-5 inches below the surface, and rang out 74/75 with full confidence on the meter. Talk about a great outing for the both of us! I have now found more seated coins than barbers-what are the odds??? Thanks for looking and enjoy-I hope everyone is getting out with the nice weather finally coming around!