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Went back last night to the house that gave up a couple of silvers last hunt - and found a couple more the form of jewelry! I started off where I found the Buffalo nickel using Deus Fast and quickly found some more lead roofing nail caps. These hit fairly hard in 18 kHz although they are small. Seems like I found most of them the first time around! Walked to the other end of the front walk and got a "91" screamer, in 18 kHz. Fully expected to dig another bottlecap, but was pleasantly surprised by an interesting Mercury IX token.
After this I went to the "second house" still in Deus Fast and concentrated my efforts on the front and back steps. Nothing but pulltabs and a few copper Memorials here, but the signals were very chopped and iffy. To my surprise there wasn't much iron in the way in these high traffic areas, so after a while I came out of Deus Fast and went into a 12 kHz program. I figured that searching the area under the magnolia tree would produce a couple keepers, but all was quiet in here.
Decided to finish last night's hunt around where I found the silver Rosie the other night. This place was loaded with pulltabs and some can slaw, but I dug it all looking for anything worth recovering. I remember getting a bouncy signal in the 70s, which sometimes means pulltabs in 12 kHz. Out came a silver "ring top" which was missing the loop. There seem to be some small stones in the design as well. Not far from there I got a huge overload signal, but it was shallow. This was an aluminum can, and once it was out of the way there was another smaller, high toned target present. IT was too small and concise to be a large piece of slaw, and I figured it would either be a copper or silver target. Turns out it was a neat silver cross with what looks like a dove in the center. 2 silvers again!
After this I went to the "second house" still in Deus Fast and concentrated my efforts on the front and back steps. Nothing but pulltabs and a few copper Memorials here, but the signals were very chopped and iffy. To my surprise there wasn't much iron in the way in these high traffic areas, so after a while I came out of Deus Fast and went into a 12 kHz program. I figured that searching the area under the magnolia tree would produce a couple keepers, but all was quiet in here.
Decided to finish last night's hunt around where I found the silver Rosie the other night. This place was loaded with pulltabs and some can slaw, but I dug it all looking for anything worth recovering. I remember getting a bouncy signal in the 70s, which sometimes means pulltabs in 12 kHz. Out came a silver "ring top" which was missing the loop. There seem to be some small stones in the design as well. Not far from there I got a huge overload signal, but it was shallow. This was an aluminum can, and once it was out of the way there was another smaller, high toned target present. IT was too small and concise to be a large piece of slaw, and I figured it would either be a copper or silver target. Turns out it was a neat silver cross with what looks like a dove in the center. 2 silvers again!