I hunted the last 2 days using the 70. I only found 3 silver dimes and one indian head. I did hunt a couple of places that usually only prduces new money ,but I wanted to get a feel for the detector. The 1917 dime was sounding like iron then hi tone. reading 36-38 on the hi tone side. Ther was iuron right next to the dime.. Getting the dime out was impressive to me.. When I checked it out of the ground it read 34 solid. I thought that was a little weird. I think the detector is good so far. Not saying I will keep it forever or it will replace my cz 70 pro. But it did do very well. I used the 4 tone mode as when hitting quarters and higher it was nice to hear the hi tone. I think it is neat being able to tell it is a quarter or half...I only used 15- 20 sens. and prgrammed patter one myself. 2 bars on the low end and number 48 on the hi end.. Did find a lot of coins though. As you can see other items also. I did dig a lot of tabs and foil, but usually had an idea it was such. hoped for that elusive fold ring.. not today,but did find a silver band..cant wait for the smaller coil,that is if I still have the detector. I am pretty bad about not keeping one very long..Later..Sonny.. Mike Hillis, I think I do like this detector better than you know what.........pictures to follow.. photo was to larget.......