I went out yesterday and this morning. Man feels like summer here. I decided to hit a local park. Since its been nice seem lots of foot traffic. So I know theres a old spot in this park and got a cool old button.. but the back is gone so kinda hard to date. In there area i got a deep deep deep wheatie almost 10 inches from 1919. With the dirt dry screw digging deep holes. Went for the volleyball area and tot lot for shallow digs.
ended up with
-$10 bill found surface
-knife where a kid would shoot out of a slide
-a ton of clad almost $10 in quarters alone
-silver ring
-maybe a gold earring said 1928 on it but no 18k or anything found in volleyball sand
-getting nickels dialed in with the etrac using the open screen feature so real easy for me to tell if its a tab or nickel i dug 12 or so and 3 were tabs so not bad
enjoy the pics
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