Ric -
I just don't trust it. At least not yet. Here, in part, is why... You will need to do an air test.
Run your sens down to 1 with auto on. Check how far way it will identify a penny.
Now kill auto and go to manual sens - check the distance. If your results are like mine, it is apparent that the auto setting doesn't play by the rules; it is clearly exceeding the maximum (1) level of sensitivity.
Using the 8" coil on manual, I can detect the penny at 1.5 to 2 inches or so. When I use auto, the range is more than double that.
I don't know why the XS does this. I do know that it makes the LEARN mode a real pain in the behind <IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
I do agree with you, too much sensitivity will ruin your day. I have scaled way back, and tend to run at 24 sensitivity. The depth meter is accurate enough and the depth is super. The x1 doesn't go crazy, either, so it has become my preferred level of sensitivity.
There are two other reasons that I stay in manual. First, if the XS would at least report the level of sensitivity selected (and I know it changes), I would be happier. It would let me evaluate what was going on which would in turn let me make an intelligent decision about how to handle things. I mean, it would be somewhat nice to know that the XS has reduced sensitivity to 10 for some reason - I'd at least know to concentrate on an area that wasn't so noisy.
The final reason I prefer manual mode is because I like every thing to be the same. I have gradually come up with a range of settings that seem to perform very well for me.
Yeah, 391 silver coins is pretty hard to argue with. However, I don't think that switching to auto is going to net me many more silver coins, certainly not enough to rival that total!
I am out in the rural Mid-West. The largest town in the area, Columbia, has a no digging rule in all their many parks. The University of Missouri has doesn't allow it all. It is about a two hour drive to any place with a population in excess of 50,000. More people = more money and it is as simple as that.
Anyhow, it has been a long time since I have used auto. I'll give it a go again next time out. I left it on after making sure my air test information was still the same.