Gunnar of bradford MN
New member
Got the cibola today , put it together , whoo is this thing light they should have called it the cibaloona its light as a baloon nice. i looked at the tiny control box and thout humm what bubble gum machine did this come out of? but its not in the way and my coat sleve will not re ajust the knobs for me when im not looking that happened whith the m-6 i would be going along and find out my sleve turned down the gain to 2 and i was missing things great disigne on this cibola the coil is a work of fine craftmanship looks like it was made by the space program very good quality well i did my first test an air test got a box and a dime and a pull tab put the pull tab on the left and dime on the right started staking 2x4s got to 4 two by 4rs and a 3/4 board thats 6 3/4" strong on a dime and the machine was not maxed out at all thats impresive to me thear is no doubt about it the cibola is deeper noticable deeper than my m-6 was the cibola got 7" good strong signal on a modern clad dime thats exelent consider the modern dime is the smallest of coins and 1/2 is nickle a hard aloy to pick up so if it can do that on a clad dime it will do better on a silver dime quarter ect ect thats why i do tests on cald dimes and SWEEP SPEED is fast very fast i was going slow and was not geting a signal i was bummed so i swept faster got it loud and clear OHHHHHhh the discrimination i put it to tab and silance total silance but it picked the dime loud and clear i placed the dime close to the tab thinking its going to mask the dime no way loud and clear i think im going to like this machine i will not miss the training wheels of the m-6 at all tone I. D VDI numbers in fact this behaves like it has tone I.D i can tell the diff between the tab and dime so defenetly not a step down but a step up and i have a great choice of coils thats all for now great machina