Two words. BUY IT.
I hunted two pebbled tot lots with the coil. Of course it picked up the coins. But what was surprising was the little bitty tiny targets it could hit at depth. I'm sure this thing will get me a nugget if I ever get to where nuggets are! Also I wanted to see just how close I could get to the equipment supports. This is where I find some good stuff. I lowered the sens to #1 and with a slow sweep I could get the coil to within 1.5 inches from the supports. I found no targets at this lot but did perform a test. I put a copper under the pebbles at about 1.5 inches from the post. The coil picked it up off the front end. I'm happy. Also I could accurately pinpoint by Xing the target and finding the target dead center. Or I could use the pull back method and the target was always under the nose of the coil about 3/4 inch. It pinpoints either way very good.
I hunted two pebbled tot lots with the coil. Of course it picked up the coins. But what was surprising was the little bitty tiny targets it could hit at depth. I'm sure this thing will get me a nugget if I ever get to where nuggets are! Also I wanted to see just how close I could get to the equipment supports. This is where I find some good stuff. I lowered the sens to #1 and with a slow sweep I could get the coil to within 1.5 inches from the supports. I found no targets at this lot but did perform a test. I put a copper under the pebbles at about 1.5 inches from the post. The coil picked it up off the front end. I'm happy. Also I could accurately pinpoint by Xing the target and finding the target dead center. Or I could use the pull back method and the target was always under the nose of the coil about 3/4 inch. It pinpoints either way very good.