New member
Well today was a very good day, I got out of work a little early and it was a nice day out here in Bellevue, upper 40's. So I decided to hit the local park for awhile. I put on my 5" sunray coil to get between the trash, at 1st didn't find much just a 1920 penny, so I decided to go over to the playground equip, well I got really mixed signal it have silver tones in it, and was hitting in the top right corner, and would move down from the top a little bit I thought it was a hot rock or an aluminum can, but I dug anyhow, dug down to about 6" and my probe was screaming, but it was not in the corner it was just a little lower for where silver hits,(Top right corner). I remembered playing with my detector a few weeks earlier and I found thats where silver dollars hit. I was thinking to myself there is no way that this is a silver dollar, that kind of luck happens to other people, not me. so I dug down a little more and ran my probe in the hole and the signal was gone, so I ran it on the dirt pile and BANG I had the tone and It was smaller that an aluminum can, looked a little closer, and saw the edge and it was silver I could not believe it...my first ever silver dollar..WOW, it was a 1901 O in probably EF shape. Well thanks for looking and sorry for the ramblings..HH