[video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE_NTbHTqGU&list=UUjtTA1ZSEXhfWtQ12CPzXnA&index=1[/video]boy was i having a pity party this morning , the only place i can hunt is the gravle road and all i found was junk . but yesterday i found what i figured was a hot rock, and i always keep the rocks that sound off , it was all full of mudd. well i dicided to clean it up and it had what looked like a wart in the middle . after cleaning so i got the garret pinpointer and it sounded off on it . turns out its a copper nugget incased in basalt . this is a very good find. I was hunting in No motion all metal using the 7" DD coal and i tell you it really sounded off on this baby and i was thinking its not suposed to do that but now i know why a nice copper nugget who knows maybe a gold nugget next , no doubt the outlaw can find gold nuggets to