I know this is no big deal to some of you...but to me it means the world!..Hunted a park here in town that has been pounded to Hades and back over the years...after about 2 hrs with nothing to show but a couple of zinc pennies I got a feint signal bouncing around 58-77 which usually means a zincer or trash but I dug it anyways...about 6" down there it was ....my 1st ever buffalo nickel!!..that was almost as exciting as my 1st ever silver I found a few weeks earlier...the date on it was a nice clear 1937 d...nice detail..just a little dirty...I know this is kinda old hat for a lot of you but this has been the best year I've had in 15++ yrs of doing this as far as old coins go....several wheats from the 20's, merc dime from the 30's and now the buffalo...with the exception of the site I found the merc on all the others were found in places that have been pounded to death over the years....I've been hitting those sites off and on over the years with a whites machine, a minelab and now my atpro...I know there have been problems with some of them and I know the haters don't want to hear it...but my opinion is the atpro is the BEST machine on the market dollar for dollar and in my own little world I've been proving it to myself over and over this summer!!!!