Gunnar of bradford MN
New member
got to my spot at 8:00 a.m nice breez cool no bugs at all was digging aluminum cans at 6" and 9" kinda gave a soft signal one can was dated 2002 then to my great amazment up comes a dark green thing the size of a nickle i brushed it off and i could see what looked like a barber type head suronded by stars and a V on the back the date was 1890 i was looking for cladd and rings none of which i found but the lazy boys knew that it was an aluminum can down thear little did they know it was masking a V nickle one good reason to dig the trash out of the ground a flatened aluminum can will cover a considirible earea and can hide many a good target i hop to go back thear again and dig more cans and nails because it is true many good targets still lay beneath the mask the V was at about 5" down im liking this compadre still no gripes whith it